28 October 2024 – Washington, D.C.
- DIFI applications in operations today or under development (TT&C, Mission download, transport, satcom, etc.)
- Multi-orbit/Multi-network ESAs and Satcom terminals
- Multi-beam/multi-band ESAs and Satcom terminals
- OpenAMIP enhancements required for implementation with multi-beam antenna systems
- Gateways (important to broaden beyond just ESAs. The essential detail is many-to-one (meaning several antenna beams to a single modem) and one-to-many (many modems trying to access a single ESA. This could include gateways consisting of multiple antennas (ESA or otherwise).
- User Terminals
- Updates/Implementations using ARINC-793
- Updates from DEUCSI call 003
Questions? Please contact difiworkshop@dificonsortium.org
The DIFI Consortium invites members to submit ideas for presentations, posters, and demonstrations for the Digital Transformation of SATCOM special workshop during MILCOM 2024. Presentations are requested from users to discuss use cases, lessons learned, or detailed experiments executed using DIFI. Posters/demonstrations should offer technologies, applications, predictions, and viewpoints in the rapidly changing landscape of satellite technology. Demonstrations showing DIFI interoperability are of the highest interest.
Abstract Submission for Presentation, Poster or Demo Deadline: Extended to 6 September 2024 due to summer vacations!
Selections Notification: September 28, 2024
Final Camera-ready Posters PDFs: October 10, 2024
Abstract Submissions: https://dificonsortium.org/call-for-posters-demos-presentations/
Submission Guidelines: https://dificonsortium.org/submission-guidelines/
Registration to MILCOM 2024: https://milcom2024.ieee-milcom.org/registration
Presentation Sessions: 0800-1100
Panel: 1100 – 1200
Poster/Demo Session: 1300-1700
The Digital Transformation of SATCOM Special Workshop
Following the successful 2023 SATCOM Digital Transformation workshop, the DIFI consortium will host a full-day 2024 workshop focused on digitization and virtualization in SATCOM. Key to boosting innovation, expanding scale, and reducing costs, digital transformation is vital to meet next-gen commercial and DoD SATCOM requirements. This transformation, based on the twin pillars of digitization and virtualization, streamlines modem designs via modularization and standardization, fostering common hardware use and innovative digital IF interfaces using the DIFI protocol. Such digitization and DIFI-standardized digital IF pave the way for virtualized SATCOM applications. These digitally upgraded ground networks allow new use cases, enhancing network and terminal flexibility and resilience.
Given the positive feedback from the 70+ attendees of last year’s event, the 2024 workshop will be a full-day event, providing a broader platform for engagement and knowledge exchange. The morning will commence with paper sessions, allowing participants to delve deeper into the latest developments in the DIFI standard, digital IF research, and advancements. The paper sessions will conclude with a panel, which will provide an in-depth examination of the progress of the DIFI protocol and the remaining challenges. The afternoon will be followed by a combined poster session and technology demonstrations, showcasing emerging applications of digital IF and virtualization in SATCOM.